Multi-Select List Box Control
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/Multi-Select List Box Control.xml
By including the %M% directive in the definition of a list box, you convert the list box from a single-select to a multi-select control. For example, the following script allows you to select multiple cities:
List Box (Single Field Multi-Column) Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/List Box _Single Field Multi-Column_ Control Syntax.xml
One or more Multi-Select List Box objects may appear inside the Format section of a UI_DLG_BOX() function. The selections are stored in the %mw% variable.
List Box (Multi-Field Multi-Column) Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/List Box _Multi-Field Multi-Column_ Control Syntax.xml
The Tabbed List Box control displays a list box with multiple columns. The entries in the choice_array or choice_variable are separated into columns with the "|" (tab) character.
List Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/index.xml
Xdialog list box control syntax.
Check Box List Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/Check Box List Box Control Syntax.xml
A control type that displays a list of choices in a list box.
Record List - Combo Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Record List/Record List - Combo Box Control Syntax.xml
The Record List - Combo Box Control provides a dynamic view of selected records and fields from a table or set.
List Box Control
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/List Box Control.xml
A list box control is a variant of the combo box control, except that the list is typically displayed with several choices visible, so that the user does not have to click a button to display the choices. You can turn a combo box into a list box by changing the '^=' directive to '^#'. The syntax for a list box object is:
List Box (Drop-down) Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/List Box _Drop-down_ Control Syntax.xml
The value of Variable_Name is a base-1 index if the variable is declared as Numeric. If undeclared or left un-initialized, the variable is a string that returns the text of the choice that is selected.
Record List - List Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Record List/Record List - List Box Control Syntax.xml
The Record List - List Box Control provides a dynamic view of selected records and fields from a table or set.
Record List - Edit Combo Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Record List/Record List - Edit Combo Box Control Syntax.xml
The Record List - Edit Combo Box Control provides a dynamic view of selected records and fields from a table or set and allows users to input or edit field values.